An EU conflict-of-laws approach to proprietary aspects of intellectual property rights


Birgit van Houtert
Maastricht University


SUMMARY: I INTRODUCTION.— II DE LEGE LATA: 1. Lex loci protectionis; 2. Lex originis.– III DE LEGE FERENDA: 1. Lex loci protectionis: 1.1 Characterisation of proprietary aspects of IP rights; 1.2. ‘Sitz’ of the legal relationship and the territorial protection of IP rights; 1.3. Lex loci protectionis under Rome I and Rome II; 2. Special conflict-of-laws approach regarding initial ownership in case of employment: 2.1 A plea for objective connecting factors; 2.2. Loci laboris as main connecting factor; 3. Derogation mechanisms.— IV CONCLUSION.



24 October 2024


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Cómo citar

van Houtert, B. (2024) “An EU conflict-of-laws approach to proprietary aspects of intellectual property rights”, in Font-Mas, M. (ed.) Private International Law on Rights in rem in the European Union. Derecho internacional privado sobre derechos reales en la Unión Europea. Madrid, España: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales (Monografías Jurídicas), pp. 509–525. doi:10.37417/PILRIRUE/22.